Saturday, July 24, 2010


Steve and I have been sick lately
(summer colds are so annoying)

Anyway, he thought a little of that would make him feel better.

As you can see that

wasn't the CaSe

I love to eat out, but we really don't get the chance to that often.

My take on the Ribs

Steve's take. (I dont remember him spilling on himself while we were dating, but the poor kid seems to be doing it a lot lately)
First Rib he picked up ha ha ha

I love my CheRRy CoKe and I'll admit I've sent one or two back for not being good. I don't see how hard it is to make but some people struggle. My waitress tonight however did not.... Best cherry coke ever.
Steve just told me that my cherry coke story was not blog worthy but I beg to differ.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Hill

Hill Cumorah Pageant

Never Seen It. But Megan and I were in it in 2002

If your a man with a beard your important so we had to get photos

A little Rain

The temple was awesome

I seem to like the stain glass. Here and New York so far are my favs

When I have kids I will have some practice asking "what did you just put in your mouth" because my husband has a knack for finding things in the wild and chewing on them. Today it was just berries, tomorrow who knows

Sacred Grove

Friday, July 9, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Poem People

Turns out Mr. Wood and I seem to have become Poem People. For our anniversary we both wrote poems for eachother, which is kind of funny and maybe a little embarrassing at the same time. There are a couple "inside jokes" in them but I figured I'd post mine cuz I posted his. Readers be aware that Steve and I do not consider ourselves "skilled" Poem People.

I can't believe a years gone by
Marriage, Brooklyn, Pa School, and an occasional cry
You've been there for me without a doubt
Regardless of my moods and constant pout
You'd still get up and make my lunch
Take my bike out, print my notes, and shop a bunch
8 hours of school made me a unhappy camper
Still you'd make me dinner, rub my feet, etc I got pampered
Did I mention all the cleaning you did
Laundry, dishes, vacuum, or sweep instead
My personal assistant you truly were
Heck you still are... man did I score
Speaking of "score" you'd get lucky
But really "quack quack" I'm the lucky ducky
I look back at this year and it's been the best
(Minus PA school and all the stress)
You're all that I wanted and needed and more
Being married to you opened the door
I've realized how blessed I truly am
To have married such an amazing man

So I made him a picnic blanket and napkins to go with this awesome backpack. I had a great surprise date planned that involved a picnic and movie in the park and then that morning I got the kidney stone. When I got out of the hospital instead I surprised him with a picnic on our bedroom floor...... it just wasn't the same


It's true I'm 27 and I must admit it kind of seems like

a Weird aGe to Be. I spent the B-day with some girlfriends

from my program.

Friday, July 2, 2010

No Pressure

Just a little bit of the material I had to cover for a Comprehensive Exam of the whole year that if I didn't pass I couldn't continue onto the second year of PA school.