One night that I didnt have to study (but probably should have ha ha ha) we picked up some New York Pizza and BiKeD to a park under the Brigde. He surprised me with drinks and chocolate covered strawberries.
Everyone ask if we are enjoying living in NY, I like it, but believe me we would enjoy it a lot better if we weren't broke and going to school.
No matter how much I try I can not get my husband to enjoy a good Broadway, I'm sure the price has something to do with it. He is giving me one more chance and then no more broadways for the Woods.
Incase you've forgotten our bikes have become like cars to us. And sometimes its not fun to drive your car all by yourself, or you really dont feel like driving @ all. So lately Steve and I have been pumping eachother on our bikes. It was working out until we encountered RAIN so we just Put the Top Up
Turns out its not normal in New York to get pumped in the Rain while holding a UmBrella
We got a lot of LooKs (I dont know why) I am sure they were just thinking "Why didnt I think of that" I'll let you know if we started a TrenD