I got a couple days off so Steve and I crashed my Mom and Daves VACA in Hawaii
O the FUN we had! Steve got a Tat and we fell in LoVe with this Bird
Whale watching
Off course we brought our boards
Did a session
The Black Pearl from Pirates of the Carribean
Did an amazing hike called "Stairway to Heaven" I'd recommend it but it's Illegal
3 hours and 3922 steps later we get up to "heaven" and who do we find up there 3 other people who just happen to be mormon. So we were joking about finally getting to heaven and finding only mormons.
So someone told me if you write them down, you're more likely to do them. Lets just say I at least accomplished the "goal" of writing them down. So I passed by them the other day and there just happened to be an additional goal.