Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I got a couple days off so Steve and I crashed my Mom and Daves VACA in Hawaii

O the FUN we had! Steve got a Tat and we fell in LoVe with this Bird

Whale watching

Off course we brought our boards

Did a session

The Black Pearl from Pirates of the Carribean

Did an amazing hike called "Stairway to Heaven" I'd recommend it but it's Illegal

3 hours and 3922 steps later we get up to "heaven" and who do we find up there 3 other people who just happen to be mormon. So we were joking about finally getting to heaven and finding only mormons.

1 comment:

  1. Fun!

    Trac you look great and your hair is getting so long!

    Miss ya . . . sad I never got to see you in SG. Maybe we should come to NY again?

    krista jo
