Friday, April 30, 2010

FiNaL E OveR

I know must of us think @ times we have it RuFF but PA school is no walk in the ParK. I wish I could somehow explain it so everyone would get it and understand but I dont think its possible. So I'll just give you my last 3 weeks of school....

Week one- I had class everyday 9-5 (in the same classroom, no break, we do get a lunch but other than that straight class) I come home from class start studying tell 12, wake up @ 5 a.m. and study till class starts again. And then repeat the cycle. I think I had 4 exams that you have to get 74% or better, if you dont they give you a chance to take a remedial (which is a harder exam) if you dont pass that your either out of the program or you'll have to take a comp of the whole semester which for most are impossible to pass.

Speaking of getting kicked out of the program... We're in class one day, we all took a exam that morning and mid class a teacher comes in and pulls a student out. A half hour or so later the same teacher come back in gathers up all the students stuff, and that my friends was the last we saw of her. (so SAD, really)

Week two and three- Finals, no class, but a exam every day, wake up @ 5 study till 8:45 go take my exam, come home freaking out whether I passed or not, start studying tell 12 @ night. Go to bed wake up @ 5 and start the same process all over again.

The Stress is really what kills you, each exam you take everything is on the line. One exam, one bad day, could really cost you the whole program. You get done with the test and if you think you 've passed you get one brief second of relief and then your on to worrying about whether you'll pass the next one.

All in All I really just want you to feel bad for me (ha ha ha) cuz I think it's clear that I feel pretty bad for myself and I'd love some company.

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