(summer colds are so annoying)
Anyway, he thought a little of that would make him feel better.
As you can see that
wasn't the CaSe
I love to eat out, but we really don't get the chance to that often.
My take on the Ribs
Steve's take. (I dont remember him spilling on himself while we were dating, but the poor kid seems to be doing it a lot lately)
First Rib he picked up ha ha ha
I love my CheRRy CoKe and I'll admit I've sent one or two back for not being good. I don't see how hard it is to make but some people struggle. My waitress tonight however did not.... Best cherry coke ever.
Steve just told me that my cherry coke story was not blog worthy but I beg to differ.
i'm the same way with vanilla coke. i have had so many in my lifetime that i can tell a distinct difference between a good one and a bad one. and i'm with you, coke stories are definitely blog worthy.