Monday, June 27, 2011

Holy Crap

I'm going to be a PA... For ReaLs

 I can't believe I am done with school. It actually feels anticlimactic, to show up for our last 2 days ever, take our exams and just like that we're done. It doesn't feel real. We do have to come back for graduation and I still have to take the boards but I wonder when it will really kick in.


  1. You just can't believe how proud I am of you. I go around bragging to everyone who will listen. I even wanted to stand up in Relief Society, but thought better of it. It is truly amazing that you have accomplished this feat. Love you tons, MOM

  2. Well done missy! I still remember the day you told me you wanted to go to PA school.... it feels like yesterday. And now look at you, all grown up and graduated!

  3. Congrats Trac! That really is so amazing. Your so smart. I can't believe how fast it's all gone and I'm thrilled that you will be close to me soon. Your amazing. Seriously, crazy cool your going to be a PA! Nice work. That's an amazing accomplishment. Can't wait to see you!
