Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm going to be okay... someday

After the death of my dear friend Brynn, I cried for days and one of my PA friends mentioned that I've had it rough this last year. “Just PA school alone is hard but you loss your grandma, your dad had a heart attack, you had surgery and then complications with the surgery and now your friend Brynn is gone”. When she mentioned those things I about said "Your right, I have had it rough" but if she hadn't pointed out all my heartaches I wouldn't have thought of them. It's not that I have really forgotten those trials but that Heavenly Father had made my burden so much lighter that I didn't constantly reflect on them. I look back on all I've been through and I realize how true the words of the Prophets are that he will not give you a trial you cannot handle and when needed he will be there for you to lighten your load because I know that he has lightened mine.

Thank you everyone for all your support!!!


  1. you are so very right. you are in my prayers my sweet friend

  2. You couldn't have said it better. It makes me think of that poem called "footprints" when through are toughest times it is then that he carries us! Love you girl and I am thinking of you!
