Friday, October 16, 2009


You know most cats as kittens are CUTE and then they grow up UGLY. Turns out this isn't always the case (I know "shocker") Steve and I met Kody my girlfriends cat (full grown) and fell in LoVe. The lion cut might have had something to do with it. Steve spent the next couple weeks looking up cats with Lion Cuts....

OuR FaVoRiTe

This is one ticked off Kitty, It's clear the CAT knows that it just got shaved
Where the misCATmunication comes in.....
Steve had spent hours and hours looking up Persian Kittens (i'm thinking WOW he is really wanting a cat) and He's thinking, Traci really has a thing for cats.
So I guess we were in the process of considering a cat.
Then one day I'm kind of sad and Steve's like "hey lets go get a cat". We pull out some $ take a hour bus and subway ride across new york and while traveling and talking, we come to the realization that I thought Steve really wanted a cat, and Steve thought I really wanted a cat.
When really WE BOTH didn't know if we wanted one at ALL.
So here is a PIC of the CAT we didn't GET


  1. that is one cute cat...maybe you should reconsider?

  2. That is so funny. Cute that Steve wanted to get a cat for you! I love you guys!

  3. that is the funniest cat picture I have ever seen...I didn't know you could do that to cats. He does look a little PO'd. You don't want a cat anyways...they are not very fun.

  4. What a cute, funny story. You've got a good guy there. We love you both.

  5. I am with you on the cat thing. Kittens.... cute. Cats..... Not so much. But there are a few
