Thursday, October 8, 2009


We ride our BiKes EveryWhere.
The other day Steve and I biked to IKEA
(see map above)
We even hit up Lowes after and when we walked out with our load people were like "U guys are on bikes?"
Little did they know Steve is very skilled when it comes to riding a BiKe while carrying a million bags and boards of wood.
They said "Accident Waiting to Happen"
My Eye... We made it home perfectly sound


  1. You guys seriously crack me up! I can't believe you made it home with all that stuff, you got some skills!

  2. You are beyond awesome! LOVE IT! I want to come visit you SOOO bad!

  3. so instead of bookmarking your actual blog, i accidentally bookmarked just your first post way back when. i check back regularly as i go down my blog list, but always thought you just never post. i just barely realized my mistake, and have been reading all the posts i've missed! they are very exciting, you have such an exciting life! i'm glad to see you are having a lot of fun whenever you can break away from studying! thanks for allowing us to live vicariously through you :)

  4. hehehe...I wish I could have seen you guys carrying all your goods on your bikes! It actually reminds me of when I was going to SUU my first year of college and me and my two friends were car-less but we did in fact have roller-blades. Well, we decided we wanted a Christmas tree really bad and we roller-bladed all the way to the grocery store and don't ask me why we went to the farthest one but we did(probably to save a few dollars) but we bought a tree and carried it on our roller-blades all the way was hillarious but what fun memories! At least you will remember your crazy bike adventures forever!
