Saturday, April 16, 2011

You think you know your Husband

And then he shows you his HEAD SHOT
Turns out he is the Real deAl w/ special appearances in Touched by an Angel and Everwood.
Yep I sleep next to this guy...... EVERY NIGHT (LoL)


  1. No way! Didn't know you married someone so famous! You rock Steve!

  2. So about this photo...I had it hanging up in the living room of my college apartment just to be funny. Plus my roommate thought he was hot. I also saw some dude wearing a rope on his head just the other day.
    Where did all of his hair go? hee hee.

  3. Even though I new all this, and have seen this photo, I still laughed really hard out loud at this.

  4. Okay, Doug and I are really trying to figure out if this is the real deal. Is it? MOM

    PS Where is the beautiful waterfalls that you are planning on going to???
